Parenting Resources
Self Care For Adults (and Kids too).
Almost every single suggestion on the list in this article spoke to me. Remember, you can't be your best self for your family unless you take care of yourself first. An added bonus: most of these tips are relevant for your kids too so you can do them together (or not if it is #10). This list is also here as a downloadable and printable document in case it is easier to refer to if you stick it on your fridge.

Accessing Books When You Can't Leave the House
Reading stories is one of my favorite ways to start some deep and meaningful conversations about any topic. You can find booklists to promote social emotional learning by grade level here.
A few tips for accessing books when you can’t leave your house:
The kindle app is free and works on most devices.
You can check books out from KCLS online and download them directly to your app.
Sometimes you can even find a video of someone reading a book out loud online (try searching on YouTube or Storyline Online).
You can try Reading Rainbow Skybrary free for one month
Try Audible, they are making a whole lot of kids' books free right now

Supporting Children Through the Corona Virus Pandemic
1. Supporting Kids Through the Corona Virus Outbreak:Click here for ideas
2. Talking to Your Kids about COVID-19:
3.Focusing on the Positive: Share these 8 Acts of Goodness Amid the Outbreak with your kids:
The Yucky Bug by Julia Cook -look on YouTube for a read aloud
I am a Booger: Treat Me with Respect by Julia Cook - look on YouTube for a read aloud
A Coronavirus Story for Kids - Story Here
BrainPOP: Coronavirus (4-minute video, activities, and games)
National Public Radio: Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring the New Coronavirus